
I’m here to help you with struggles you may be having at school. I specialize in targeting academic deficits that may hinder your progress with learning.

My Skills

Reading Decoding/Encoding

Experience with the following:

  • Wilson Reading System

  • Barton Reading

  • Seeing Stars (V/V)


  • Narrative Writing

  • Descriptive Writing

  • Expository Writing

  • Descriptive Writing

  • Six Traits of Writing (Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions)

Math Problem Solving

  • Identify Key Vocabulary Words

  • Single/Multiple Step Problem Solving practice

Math Computation

  • Utilize Strategies and Tools for solving problems

  • Math fluency

  • Touch Math

Reading Comprehension

Experience with the following:

  • Visualizing and Verbalizing

  • Language Comprehension and Thinking (V/V)

Reading Fluency

Experience with the following:

  • Wilson Reading Fluency

  • Dibels Fluency

Analyze Student Need(s)

I meet with students and family to discuss areas of need, collect data if necessary, and we develop a plan.

My Approach

Identify Instructional Need(s)

With the data I collect, I determine what instruction is needed to improve the student’s academic need.

Develop & Create Personalized Instruction

I take the findings I gather and develop a personalized plan for each student. I try to make the instruction engaging and effective according to their grade level.

Service Location

DuPage County, Illinois

Meeting locations can be determined through discussions via email. Parents can choose a library for tutoring.

Get in Touch!

Schedule a free twenty minute session with me to discuss your child’s needs.

  • 30 minute session - $25

    60 minute session - $50

  • tmpaoletti@gmail.com